Film noir is french for 'dark film' and was created by America and was introduced after the second World War; film noir mainly consists of flashbacks, cynical heroes and intricate plots. Film noir also consists of dark and stylistic detective films.
A film noir mainly consists of the following characters:
- The Everyman (anti-hero)
- Femme Fatal
- The Villain
- The Henchman/henchmen
- The Girl Next Door
The Everyman is the main character in a film noir and has usually have a bad history (sent to prison) but in the end he usually redeems himself. The Anti-hero normally falls in the love with the Femme Fatal which the Femme Fatal seduces him. The Femme Fatal is normally portrayed as a 'sexy' woman wearing red lipstick and high heels which attracts the everyman into their secret plots. The outcome of this is mainly negative where the everyman normally gets caught and the femme fatal gets killed. The villan and the henchman/ henchmen are obviously the bad ones trying to hurt or kill the anti-hero and the girl next door is the opposite of the femme fatal. the girl next door is what the everyman really wants but does not realize it.
You need a much greater depth of analysis here. You should be commenting on: camera, mise-en-scene, editing, sound and narrative. You should also refer to the films we studied as examples.